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January 2017
Beachwood Buzz
23 | 28699 Chagrin Blvd
Woodmere, OH 44122 | 216.591.0544
28699 Chagrin Blvd. · 216-831-4444
Mon ­ Saturday 10 to 6:30 · Sun noon to 5
at ETON ~ Chagrin Blvd
Thursday, January 12 ­ Monday, January 16
Shop Your Neighborhood Gift Store
e holidays are's time to treat yourself!
Shop Our Semi-Annual Seasonal and Everyday
Gi ware Clearance Sale.
40% to 70% o
Stay warm and have fun!
Free weekend underground parking available.
Mandel JCC Hosts
10th Annual Indoor Triathlon
Fundraising event to be held Sunday, February 12
Mandel Jewish Community
Center presents its tenth annual
Indoor Triathlon & Biathlon on
Sunday, February 12, from 11:30
am ­ 4 pm. Like a traditional
outdoor biathlon and triathlon,
it will include events in swim-
ming, biking and running. The
Indoor Triathlon & Biathlon,
which attracts both serious and
casual athletes, is open to all
individuals and families, ages 10
years or older (minimum height
4'10"). Participants may compete
individually or in teams. The
event sells out early each year, so
participants are encouraged to
register early.
Unlike a traditional biathlon
and triathlon, The J's Indoor
Triathlon is a timed event and
winners are determined by
number of laps completed
in the pool, number of miles
biked, and number of miles run.
The biking portion, on The J's
Spinner Bikes, will last 20 min-
utes. The running portion, on
The J's cushioned track, will last
20 minutes. The J's indoor pool
will host the swimming leg and
will last 15 minutes. Awards will
be given by categories and all
participants will receive t-shirts
and refreshments.
One of the unique features of
this event is that area teens and
young adults, from ages16-24,
who participate in Jewish Family
Services Association's (JFSA) Hor-
vitz YouthAbility community ser-
vice and Ascentia Mental Health
programs, will be competing.
The teens and young adults have
a broad spectrum of physical
and developmental disabilities
and at-risk conditions.
All participants are encour-
aged to get friends and family
to sponsor their involvement to
help raise funds to support the
Mandel JCC and its outstanding
programs and services. The
event was established to pro-
mote a healthy and active way
of life and to help support The
J's mission to strengthen the
quality of life in our community.
The J hopes to raise more than
$45,000 to help support the
Mandel JCC Financial Assistance
For fees and to register visit or
contact 216.831.0700, 1495 or
Thursday, January 12
7 pm
Beachwood Library
History buffs, did you
know there is a book club
just for you? The group
meets every six weeks at the
Beachwood Library. The next
meeting is Thursday, January
12 at 7 pm, and the book is
River of Doubt by Candace
For more information,
and a list if upcoming titles,
please email Margaret
Reardon at margaret_ or call
440.292.7739. This program
is free and open to the