Women of Fairmount Temple Programs “We are from different parts of the world but we have much more in common than it seems at first. We are all Jewish so we have the same history no matter where we live.” - Tanya, Russia TANYA DO IT FOR Tuesday, December 9, 1 p.m. Susan Olsen will teach the group how to have “Fun with Zentangle.” A creative way to do more than just “doodle” while watching TV, zentangle is a method of creating beautiful images from repetitive patterns. It is easy to learn and very relaxing. Lunch is at noon; $7 for members and $10 for guests. For reservations, call 440.461.7921 on Monday to leave a message or call 216.464.1330 on Tuesday, only from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Thursday, December 18, 7 – 9 p.m. Chanukah celebration with candle lighting, blessings, latkes and sour cream, a gift exchange and much fun. No charge for paid members; $5/ guest. Women of Fairmount Presbyterian Church, who join us once a month for creating Touch and Tell books for the children at Cleveland Sight Center, will be our guests. Please bring a wrapped gift, costing $10 or less, for the Chinese auction. It can be something you already have in your home. Reservation deadline is December 15. Call Phyllis Berlas at 216.381.8738 or Phyllis Henry at 440.461.7921. Tuesday, January 6, 1 p.m. “Get to Know the Gordon Square Arts District” will be presented by Judi Feninger, director. This area has become a center for cultural activity on the west side of Cleveland, but what do eastsiders know about it? Hint: the district is involved in developing housing, promoting new businesses, and beautifying the neighborhood. Lunch is at noon; $7 for members and $10 for guests. If you care to participate in the women’s study group, which discusses women of the Bible, join the group in the library from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. For reservations, call 440.461.7921 on Monday to leave a message or call 216.464.1330 on Tuesday, only from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. SHE IS ONE OF US AND WE ARE JEWISH CLEVELAND. BUILDING COMMUNITY AROUND THE CORNER AND AROUND THE GLOBE Jewish residents live in our sister city of St. Petersburg, Russia, where our Cleveland community works to renew and rebuild Jewish life. That’s why we are pioneering programs that share how we plan for our Jewish future. We ensure a Jewish future. It is not one of us but all of us who can make a difference. Your donation changes lives in Cleveland, Israel, and 70 countries around the globe. Help build a better tomorrow by donating today. Beachwood Garage Sale is Back – Volunteers and Donations Needed! fter a threeyear hiatus, Beachwood PTO announces that its community-wide garage sale will once again take place in Spring 2015. This sale is a huge undertaking that raises thousands of dollars that directly support Beachwood Schools and student programs. Volunteers and donations are needed to make this event a success! Please start saving your clothing, toys, household items, furniture, etc. Volunteers are needed to help with drop off, sorting, pricing, and during the sale itself. More information to come in future issues of Beachwood Buzz. Questions? Email beachwoodgaragesale2015@gmail.com. A DONATE NOW WWW.JEWISHCLEVELAND.ORG 12 Beachwood Buzz n December 2014