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48 Beachwood Buzz
November 2015
Art across the Campus
A beautiful art exhibition
occurred recently in the
Menorah Park auditorium
and more than 50 residents
displayed their works. Menorah
Park is constantly encouraging
creativity through various art
and painting programs offered
throughout its campus.
New Center 4 Brain Health Invites
Community to Strengthen the
Mind ­ Challenge the Memory
The new Center 4 Brain Health, located on the Menorah Park Cam-
pus, launches its programming this month. The Center is registered
as a Community Awareness-Raising and Education Site (C.A.R.E.S.)
with the Alzheimer's Foundation of America.
"I hope participants will enjoy our new center and programs,
including: brain aerobics classes, vocational/volunteer opportuni-
ties, memory-status assessments, and our brain health information
resource center," stated the Center's director, Krystal Culler.
"The overall goal of all our programming is to provide older adults,
residents of the community, with support, assessments and classes to
engage in a brain-healthy lifestyle."
As part of the National Memory Screening day events, community
adults are invited to the Center, located at 27100 Cedar Road, for free
memory screenings from 1 - 4 pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thurs-
day (Nov. 10, 11 and 12). Appointments are available and walk-ins are
welcome for the November screenings. (Free memory screenings are
also available by appointment throughout the year.)
The Center will offer four-week cognitive fitness classes from
November 16 through December 18. By translating current research
into everyday activities, each class will address a different area of
brain health and wellness. For example, the "Mind Spa" class will
provide experiential exercises, education, and discussions intended
to reduce stress. The Center's full Winter 2016 schedule will start on
Monday, Jan. 4, and will offer eight different brain aerobics classes,
along with monthly special events such as a Bright Minds adult
coloring book club.
"Our goal is for participants to be able to leave our Center with
simple tricks and tips to enhance their daily lives and, ultimately, their
brain health," Culler said. "We have the ability to make a difference
in the everyday lives of adults. I look forward to the opportunity to
provide innovative, quality services to our community."
For more information or to make an appointment for a memory
screening, contact Krystal L. Culler, M.A., Director, Center 4 Brain
Health, at 216.839.6685 or
Distance Learning
Menorah Park Rose Institute for Lifelong Learning presents:
Distance Learning ­ Programs Open to the Community
Monday, Nov. 9 · 2:30-3:15 pm
"So You Know the Election?"
by the Creative Learning Factory
at the Ohio Historical Society
(Columbus, Ohio)
Monday, Nov. 16 · 2:30-3:15 pm
"Arctic Discoveries:
Polar Bears 101"
by the Alaska Zoo
(Anchorage, Alaska)
Monday, Nov. 23 · 2:30-3:15 pm
"Music of Inner Asia"
by the Inner Asian and Uralic
National Resource Center
(Indiana University ­
Bloomington, Indiana)
Monday, Nov. 30 · 2:30-3:30 pm
"A Day of Infamy: The Japanese
Attack on Pearl Harbor"
by The National WWII Museum
(New Orleans, Louisiana)
Thank You from
FUNdamentals Day Care Center
The Debra Ann November Outdoor Intergenerational Garden
was recently installed at FUNdameentals Day Care Center on the
Menorah Park Campus. Made possible through a grant from the
Phyllis and Debra Ann November Children's Fund of the Jewish
Federation of Clevleand, the childcare outdoor playgrounds were
completely rebuilt and transformed into a vibrant educational and
intergenerational classroom with state-of-the-art climbing and
exercise equipment for preschoolers and toddlers, and tricycle and
wagon paths that accommodate wheelchairs. This new physical
activity and outdoor classroom, a gift of Mort and Iris November, is
the first of its kind in a nursing home in the state.
After danc-
ing in the
sunshine and
singing "Let
it Go" as a
group, all the
tals children
enjoyed the
photo op with
Iris November.
Wiggins Place on the Me-
norah Park Campus recently
began offering Wine and Paint
classes with instructor Jamie
"There were so many differ-
ent and wonderful interpreta-
tions of the painting that were
being taught and everyone
seemed to have such a great
time!," Cohen-Kiraly said.
Pictured: Anne Berk and Bert
Rosenbluth pose by one of Anne's
beautiful paintings.
Lisa Cohen-Kiraly admires the artis-
tic ability of Phil Sugerman.