Etgar: a Special Sunday School Program Offered by the Jewish Education Center of Cleveland Are you thinking about a Jewish education for your child who has different learning needs? The Jewish Education Center of Cleveland (JECC) offers an opportunity for your child to attend Etgar, a Sunday school program designed for children who may not be able to learn in the regular congregational setting. The program’s name, Etgar, means “challenge,” in Hebrew. The Etgar program is available to students, ranging in age from 6 to 18 years old, with various special needs. Classes are held at two synagogues; however, the students represent diverse Jewish backgrounds, coming from many Cleveland synagogues and from unaffiliated families. During the school year, students learn about Jewish holidays, lifecycle events, prayers and blessings, Bible stories, and Israel. Hebrew is taught to students according to their abilities. Etgar classes are led by special education professionals with teen aides assisting in each class, and further enhanced with family programming. The mission of the Jewish Education Center of Cleveland (JECC) is to ensure Jewish continuity in Cleveland by fostering and strengthening lifelong Jewish learning and education across diverse settings. A vision of the JECC is to inspire meaning and value to Jewish children through learning. For information about the Etgar program, contact Laurie Gross-Kammer, Education Director, at 440.785.1757 or lgk0523@aol. com. For information about registration, which is now open, contact Jackie Brooks, Etgar Administrator, at 216.371.0446 or . Your parents want to live at home, but they need more help than ever. You’re overwhelmed and just want what’s best for them. You don’t have to figure it out alone. JFSA helps older adults remain in their own home with a range of quality services including skilled nursing, physical therapy, and home health aides. Speak to one of our professional staff today. WE ARE JFSA. YOU ARE NEVER ALONE. 216.378.8660 September 2015 n Beachwood Buzz 11 Private pay and most insurance accepted. Fees may be covered by Long Term Care Insurance, PASSPORT, My Care Ohio, Medicaid, Holocaust Survivor subsidies and other subsidies. Ask the JFSA staff for more information.