Warm Days Oriental Rug Outlet Oriental Rug Outlet opened its doors in August 2015 to provide quality, hand-knotted heirloom-quality rugs to the general public at wholesale prices. Oriental Rug Outlet is the area’s largest direct importer of hand-knotted heirloom quality rugs from India, China, Tibet, Nepal, Turkey, Pakistan and Iran. Rugs are exquisitely designed and crafted by skilled artisans with fair trade at the heart of it all. Each rug goes through a labor-intensive process, from the design phase through the final cleaning, before being shipped to Oriental Rug Outlet; and each one is created with high-quality dyes COOL TRENDS that produce fade-proof results. Because of the various styles available, trends follow individual tastes. At Oriental Rug Outlet, a large inventory of traditional and contemporary styles are available in sizes from 2’x3’ up to 16’x27’, and when visiting the store, rugs are sorted by size for easy viewing. Home viewing is encouraged through the store’s ‘try before you buy’ program. Rugs are often used to define different areas within the same living space. You can fill a room, or place a smaller rug at the foot of the bed, an entranceway or elsewhere as an accent piece. If you have sample pieces of your wallpaper or drapes, it is useful to take them with you when selecting a rug. A paint chip, arm cover or pillow can also be helpful in coordinating colors. Rugs can be used on carpeting, hardwood, tile or any other flooring material. If a flooring sample is available, take it with you when making your rug selection. At Oriental Rug Outlet, most every rug is personally selected and we are extremely proud of the quality and prices of the merchandise offered,” said store manager Shaw Mehrzad. “Our corporate philosophy is to treat each client as the only client while offering the best quality, service and price.” We’re Celebrating SPRING with a SALE ! Save 25% to 40% on select rugs It’s a GREAT time to shop at Oriental Rug Outlet! TRADITIONAL TO CONTEMPORARY • LARGE TO SMALL WE HAVE IT ALL! 24331 Miles Road (Across from Lowe’s) • Warr. Hts. CALL US TODAY: 216-464-2430 www.orientalrugoutletohio.com 18 Beachwood Buzz n April 2016 Stop in and see the greatest selection of area rugs – PRICED TO FIT YOUR BUDGET!