THE EDITOR Letter from By Debby Zelman Rapoport ctober marks Beachwood Buzz’s 20th birthday. In celebration of this milestone, I sum up my feelings in one word – gratitude. I am grateful to have found a niche that I truly enjoy while filling a need in our community. Each of us has interests, skills and talents that, when utilized, provide personal fulfillment. I recently saw “10 Things That Require Zero Talent” circulating on the Internet and, because of its simplicity, it's worth passing along. There are many online versions of this list with its authorship unclear. When combining individual interests and talents with these recommendations, we can quickly reap the benefits that lead to personal success and happiness. Being on Time Time is a precious resource, and it is worth making every effort to be on time for both business-related appointments and personal commitments. Valuing someone else’s time and earning his/her respect reflects directly on your reputation. It would be even better to arrive at least five minutes early to avoid having to make excuses for one’s lateness. Work Ethic A work ethic is a set of moral principles based on personal integrity, sense of responsibility, emphasis on quality, truthfulness, discipline and sense of teamwork. A strong work ethic is vital to achieving goals. In the work force, the individual with a strong work ethic will be in demand by top companies throughout his/her career. Effort Effort is the exertion of physical or mental power that paves the way to success. Without effort, you cannot achieve victory. According to Winston Churchill, “Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence – is the key to unlocking our potential.” Body Language Body language is the process of communicating nonverbally through conscious or subconscious gestures and movements. Various sources state that when words, tone of voice and body language are aligned, others will perceive that you are telling the truth. Energy Energy is defined as the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity. The energy you display sets the tone for your day, including how others interact with you and the quality of your work. Attitude Attitude is how you feel about someone or something and is typically reflected in your behavior. It will determine your energy level, effort and work ethic. Attitudes are contagious, and what you put into the universe comes back. Be conscious of determining your own attitude instead of allowing circumstances to determine it for you. When something isn’t going your way and you’re sad or mad, YOU made the choice to respond in a certain fashion and only you can change that. Passion Passion is a very strong feeling about a person or thing – an intense emotion, a compelling enthusiasm or desire for something. Passion fuels success. According to personal training coach Donn Carr, “You can never be great at anything unless you have passion for what you are doing. Too many humans are simply going through the motions like zombies with no emotion, no enthusiasm and clearly no passion. If you ever find yourself in that position, quickly realize that this is happening to you and make an immediate change. The influence of passion is powerful and will spread across your attitude, your energy and your body language, including everything on this list. I cannot say enough about the importance of passion for what you are doing.” Be Coachable To be coachable is to have the willingness to be corrected and to act on that correction. To choose to be uncoachable is dangerous. Again, according to Carr, it means that your mind has shut down, that only your opinion is right and you will argue to your last breath to defend that position. It is important to be coachable if you want to grow and achieve your dreams. Doing Extra If you do only what is expected and nothing more, you are no longer an asset to an organization or relationship. When you have passion, energy and a positive attitude, doing extra comes naturally because you take ownership and pride in your actions and behaviors. Being Prepared The more prepared you are, the better your chances of success. Before meeting with someone, ask yourself if you would be impressed by your preparedness. When we are unprepared, we exhibit laziness and with laziness, the items on this list become a struggle. When we combine these recommendations with our God-given talents, dreams come true. In celebration of the Buzz’s 20th birthday, my sincere thanks go to all who continue to support Beachwood Buzz – the City of Beachwood, Beachwood Board of Education, the Beachwood Chamber of Commerce, advertisers and contributors. Additionally, I thank everyone who works with me every month to bring this magazine to fruition; I couldn't do it without you. Finally, I thank each of you who continues to read Beachwood Buzz and patronize our advertisers. It’s because of your support that Beachwood Buzz has reached this milestone. O “Who you are tomorrow begins with what you do today.” – Tim Fargo “Dreams don't work unless you do.” – John C. Maxwell October 2016 n Beachwood Buzz 3