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26 Beachwood Buzz June 2016
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The Conversation on Brain Health is Global
By Krystal L. Culler
Recent brain health research
has found that the way we live
our lives is more important than
genetics, when it comes to mental
wellness and brain health. The
modern pillars of brain health
focus on mental, emotional, spir-
itual, physical, social, nutritional
and psychological lifestyle factors
and determinants of health for all
adults. Retaining brain health and
cognitive fitness as we age are
two topics that have recently been
gaining national and global atten-
tion from researchers, providers
and healthcare professionals.
Last fall, the Administration
on Community Living launched
its $4.1 million campaign, which
defines brain health as an individ-
ual's ability to remember, learn,
plan, problem-solve, concentrate
and maintain a clear, active mind.
Simply stated, brain health is about
staying sharp and making the most
of individuals' brains as they age.
For the past two years, AARP
has conducted nationwide studies
examining these brain-healthy
lifestyle factors: attitudes and be-
haviors toward healthy living, atti-
tudes and behaviors toward brain
health, self-perceptions of brain
health, primary resources used
by consumers for brain health
information, desirable brain health
information, awareness of brain
training and identification of brain
health activities that consumers
engage in or are willing to try.
AARP found that most adults
think maintaining a healthy lifestyle
is important, and respondents
ranked brain health as the second
most important lifestyle factor
following heart health. Luckily,
research has shown a strong con-
nection between heart health and
brain health. According to AARP,
three-quarters of adults, ages 40
and older, reported concerns about
their brains' health declining in the
future. This study also found that
adults think it is important to main-
tain or improve their brain health.
But what is brain health?
Although normative cognitive
changes occur in the brain with
aging, it is important for people to
consider their brain health from a
life-course perspective. Research
offers suggestions for modifiable
lifestyle factors or exercises that can
help our brains stay sharp. Individu-
als have the ability to change their
daily routines to help strengthen
their minds and challenge their
memories through a variety of
tasks and intellectual pursuits.
Such lifestyle changes are
important to support brain
health, and it is never too late to
begin a new brain-healthy habit.
However, reliable information
and evidence-based programs or
recommendations for brain health
exercises are not streamlined
for older adults, which has led
to the formation of recent brain
health initiatives at the global and
national levels.
Krystal L. Culler, M.A., is the
inaugural Director of the Center
4 Brain Health at Menorah Park.
It's the first non-pharmacological,
non-hospital based Brain Health
Center in the Cleveland area. The
Center's summer schedule is now
available. Connect with Culler
at or
216.839.6685 to find out more
about the upcoming 16 brain
health classes and events, to
gain general information about
the Center or for brain health