Self Employed? Small Business? We Have Health Insurance For You! Dave Cunix Letter to the Community: Maidstone Lane now is a new, beautiful and well-constructed street. Yes, it took longer then we expected and yes some of us had to change our plans, but we survived. Most importantly, we were so grateful to the team of workers who toiled so hard and long, often from 7 am to late in the evening to get the job done. These workers were so respectful to us and our needs, moving equipment, putting in temporary access points so that we (the residents of Maidstone and Brian) were able to come and go whenever we needed to. A big “THANK YOU” to the City of Beachwood and all the construction teams. – Sharon and Jeff Levey 216.292.8700 Bogart Cunix & Browning, LLC INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT & INSURANCE SERVICES 5900 Landerbrook Drive #201 • Mayfield Heights • Congratulations Congratulations to Harriet and Jerry Zelman on the celebration of their 60th anniversary. Wishing you good health and lots of love for many years to come! Beachwood PTO Clipboard The Beachwood PTO proudly presents a two-part lectureship series on Finding the ”AHA!” Developing a Growth Mindset with Your Child. Presented by guidance counselors Ashley Saferight and Meghann Sullivan, this free presentation will take place Tuesday, Oct. 20 at 7 pm, in the Beachwood High School Community Room. Have you ever looked at your children and wondered how to help them reach their full potential? Do you want your children to crave challenges, push themselves, and value learning to do new things? The way you interact with your children has a major impact on the way they think about themselves and perform in school and while participating in other activities. Did you know that some praise can actually hinder performance? This interactive workshop will help parents learn about the differences between a fixed mindset and growth mindset, and how to nurture a growth mindset in your child. We will use real-world examples and interactive activities so that you will walk out the door able to immediately apply what you’ve learned. BOXTOPS: Please remember to save your box tops and drop them off at the elementary schools. GARAGE SALE: Start saving your belongings now – the Beachwood PTO garage sale is returning spring of 2016. FREE PICK UP & DELIVERY TO YOUR HOME OR OFFICE D O SUMMERS OFF 20% Good at any of our 9 locations. Your entire dry cleaning and laundry order! Incoming orders only. Not valid on alterations, households, storage or with any other offer. Expires 2-28-15. 10-31-15. A Leader for More an a Century - Since 1881 to be exact. Under the direction of Hilltop art teacher Allison Loeb-Munson, every student at Hilltop will be designing a flag to adorn the outside of the Beachwood Community Center to herald the return on pop artist Peter Max at the end of this month. After being inspired by his work, the students painted their own interpretation of his style. Pictured: Chloe Bernstein and Isaac Lo. 10 Beachwood Buzz n October 2015